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Specializing in career path consulting  services for Physicians

Free 15 Minute Consultation



How do health care professionals get better at what they do?
You know the first one, but you may not know the second one? 
Paul Ehrmann, D.O.

Been there, still doing that for the last forty years with experience in all different practice business models at every level of these career path from student in training to post retirement-servicing these career zones

What Is MedWorks?

“Step out of your comfort zone. Comfort zones, where your unrealized dreams are buried, are the enemies of achievement. Leadership begins when you step outside your comfort zone.”
― Roy T. Bennett

Patient Referrals
Office Workflow/Facilitate Staff meetings
Operational and Financial Optimization
Pre-Attorney/CPA contact analysis

Buy/Sell & M/A
Career Planning
Marketing Internal and External
Short & Long Term Strategic Planning

Partial list of Services:

Work ethic=Rest ethic balance

Why MedWorks?

From Medical Economics February 2017

As physicians look to the future of healthcare delivery, medical practices will need to contend with several external limitations that they cannot control.  They will only be able to control two things..


  • Provide great care.

  • How efficiently they are able to run their practice.


As a practicing physician for the past 40 years, I understand the present and future landscape of healthcare. So what makes me uniquely qualified to help you as a consultant?


I have successfully managed small and medium sized primary care practices serving as medical director in a variety of different models. Throughout this time, we have maintained excellent industry standard financial benchmarks. 


I have also been able to to participate in several volunteer medical and recreational community programs which has helped me balance both my professional and personal life. 

I am capable,  committed and passionate to want to do the same for you and your practice.

My Mission

Improve your financial bottom line by efficiently streamlining operational outpatient medical practice workflow leading to improved work-life balance.

This is available at three levels, from superficial to in depth.

I can show you where to start and how I can help! I want to improve your work life balance and help you care for patients while running and efficient and optimized practice.


I can answer any general questions at many different cost and time efficient levels.


I am not an attorney or CPA! My goal here would be a member of your "upstream" team in order to guide you and offer sound advice.  I can help advise you as you analyze the often arduous and difficult task of contract analysis.


My focus is on saving you time and money as you continue to interact "downstream" with your trusted legal and financial professionals



I can help you streamline your office operations maintaining your continued quality of patient care by improving daily workflow leading to an increase in revenue and decrease in expense


Medical Practice Consulting Services


Free 15 minute Consultation

Schedule Now!

Paul Ehrmann D.O.

MedWorks LLC.

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